Access the entire 2025-2026 Course Catalog here.
Schedule change requests will be considered during the first 4 days of the school year for the following reasons:
To be considered for a level change from a PAP, AP, Dual Credit or OnRamps course, the student must have made a sincere effort to succeed by attending tutorials, completing his/her work, completed available re-assessment, conferenced with his/her teacher, and recognized that Dual/AP courses have a 1.3 multiplier, PAP courses have a 1.2 multiplier, and academic courses have a 1.1 multiplier. A parent conference with the teacher is recommended before a level change. Course level changes will be considered at the end of the 3rd week (PR1) and at the end of the SCHEDULE CHANGES 19 1st six weeks (SW1) and at the end of the 1st semester with a completed campus drop form. Level changes for semester only courses will be considered at the end of the 3rd week (PR1 or PR4) and at the end of the 1st six weeks (SW1 or SW4). See campus counselor for course change form for specific and additional information.
The grade a student has in a PreAP/AP course will follow them to the Academic level course as is, no grade weighting applied.
If a student participates in a UIL activity, please weigh this decision carefully as the grades transferred from a dropped class can impact their eligibility if made after the end of the first four school weeks.
Three 6 week grades average together for 80% of the semester grade and the semester exam counts as 20% of the semester grade.
For the purposes of college and scholarship applications, high schools will calculate GPA using the 4.0 weighted scale below.
All High School Credit Courses:
Weighted 4.0 GPA SCALE
100-90 | 89-80 | 79-70 | |
AP/Dual | 5 | 4 | 3 |
Honors | 4.50 | 3.50 | 2.50 |
Academic | 4.25 | 3.25 | 2.25 |
Leveled Academic | 4 | 3 | 2 |
Course | Grade | Pts |
AP Biology | 88 | 4 |
Dual Physics | 88 | 4 |
Algebra II PAP | 88 | 3.50 |
English IV | 88 | 3.50 |
Total points earned divided by (4) classes = GPA
14.75 divided by (4) = 3.68 GPA
For the purposes of Class Rank, a numerical multiplier will be applied as follows below to calculate a student's GPA. Calculation of students' official class rank is governed by Policy EIC (LOCAL).
Course | Grade X Multiplier = Points Earned |
AP BiologyOR Dual Physics | 88 X 1.3 = 114.4 |
Algebra II PAP |
88 X 1.2 = 105.6 |
English IV |
88 X 1.1 = 96.8 |
Total points earned divided by (3) classes = GPA 316.80 divided by (3) = 105.60 Wgt. Numerical GPA
Weighted numerical GPA will determine class rank.
Students must take and pass the following exams to graduate. Some exceptions apply (ex. students coming from out of state/country). Please see your counselors with questions
Here you will find information on the STAAR End of Course graduation exams, PSAT, ACT, SAT and AP testing offered in high school.
This link will take you to the district information regarding graduation requirements, along with course and endorsement options offered in LCISD.
This program gives parents and students the ability to track grades and attendance from your own computer/phone. We recommend students log in to this system AT LEAST once a week to make sure they stay on top of all work in their classes.
Khan Academy offers FREE tutoring for English, Math, Science, and Social Studies courses. They also provide free test prep for the SAT test (which should be taken by everyone in the spring of their junior year).
Register for the ACT test here (spring of junior year)
Register for the SAT test, check PSAT/AP/SAT results, conduct college/scholarship searches....the list goes on and on! Save your log-in information because you will need it all throughout high school. If you have not yet created an account, now is the time to do so!
LCISD HOPE Line (832) 223 – 4673 24/7 Crisis Line
There are two mental health app directories users can consult to find a mental health app, namely the NHS Apps Library and PsyberGuide in partnership with Anxiety and Depression Association of America. The NHS Apps Library lists apps that have been “approved” following assessment using a number of criteria including effectiveness, security and technical stability. PsyberGuide includes ratings based on “credibility, user experience and expert review,” and a credibility score that “represents the strength of the scientific research support for the app itself, and the therapeutic interventions the app provides.”
A few anxiety and stress apps with a credibility score of four out of five or higher include This Way Up (Therapy on Demand), Brain HQ (Brain Training that works), Headspace (Everything your mind needs), Woebot Health, Good Days Ahead, CogniFit (Test and help improve your brain's agility today!), Calm (We're here to help you feel better), Mood Mission (Change the way you feel) and Sanvello | Mental Health Support. PTSD Coach from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs also has good (A randomized controlled trial of a smartphone app for post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms) quality evidence to support its effectiveness.
According to Dr. John Torous, who leads the APA’s workgroup on the evaluation of smartphone apps, the top (The 9 Best Evidence-Based Mental Health Apps in 2022) evidence-based mental health apps are: IntelliCare, Breathe2Relax, CBT-i Coach, DBSA Wellness Tracker, Virtual Hope Box, and Medisafe.
Five well known teletherapy apps that offer connections to a licensed therapist are AbleTo (Virtual Mental Health Care Made for You), Betterhelp (please click here to visit the website), Online-Therapy (Life-changing therapy & tools for a new you.), Talkspace (Space to figure things out) and 7-Cups.
There are two mental health app directories users can consult to find a mental health app, namely the NHS Apps Library and PsyberGuide in partnership with Anxiety and Depression Association of America. The NHS Apps Library lists apps that have been “approved” following assessment using a number of criteria including effectiveness, security and technical stability. PsyberGuide includes ratings based on “credibility, user experience and expert review,” and a credibility score that “represents the strength of the scientific research support for the app itself, and the therapeutic interventions the app provides.”
A few anxiety and stress apps with a credibility score of four out of five or higher include This Way Up (Therapy on Demand), Brain HQ (Brain Training that works), Headspace (Everything your mind needs), Woebot Health, Good Days Ahead, CogniFit (Test and help improve your brain's agility today!), Calm (We're here to help you feel better), Mood Mission (Change the way you feel) and Sanvello | Mental Health Support. PTSD Coach from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs also has good (A randomized controlled trial of a smartphone app for post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms) quality evidence to support its effectiveness.
According to Dr. John Torous, who leads the APA’s workgroup on the evaluation of smartphone apps, the top (The 9 Best Evidence-Based Mental Health Apps in 2022) evidence-based mental health apps are: IntelliCare, Breathe2Relax, CBT-i Coach, DBSA Wellness Tracker, Virtual Hope Box, and Medisafe.
Five well known teletherapy apps that offer connections to a licensed therapist are AbleTo (Virtual Mental Health Care Made for You), Betterhelp (please click here to visit the website), Online-Therapy (Life-changing therapy & tools for a new you.), Talkspace (Space to figure things out) and 7-Cups.