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Fulshear High School

Home of the Chargers

Library Home

Library Mission Statement

The mission of Lamar Consolidated ISD Libraries is to create a physical and digital environment in which our students, staff, and community can strengthen their natural inquisitive nature, foster a love of reading, and serve as a collaborative resource for teachers and staff in developing and delivering powerful learning experiences across all curricular areas.

Fulshear High School Library


Dawn McGowen, MLS



Library Hours

7:45 AM – 4:00 PM 


Welcome! Fulshear High School Library provides resources that encourage and support high academic achievement in the classroom and beyond. The library provides digital and print resources, including but not limited to books, databases, and ebooks.


Students may visit the library before school beginning at 7:45 AM. During school they are required to have a pass, including during lunch. Students who need to visit the library during their advisory period must obtain an Advisory Pass from the library before the tardy bell rings (available on Tuesdays and Thursdays only).

Computer use in the library is restricted to educational purposes. Any student found in violation of the district’s Acceptable Use Policy will be disciplined according to district policy. Printing for school/educational purposes is free.

button featuring purple horse and the words "online catalog"

button featuring purple horse and the words "library overview"

button featuring purple horse and the words "district library page"

Book Procedures

  • Students may check out up to 3 books for 3 weeks at a time. 

  • All books should be returned to a library book drop slot, which is located in two places. One is a black bin directly outisde the library doors. The other is located at the end of the circulation desk. It is the student's responsibility to return library books on or before the due date. Students do not have to wait for a class visit to return a book. 

  • When a book is returned damaged beyond repair, the replacement cost of the book will be charged. Damage to library materials includes but is not limited to: spills from food, drink or other substances;  damage to cover or spine; cutting or tearing pages; or writing with pencil, pen, markers, etc.

  • Once a book is 30 days past due, the system will mark it as "lost" and students will be charged for the replacement cost of the book. If the book is found and returned in good condition, the fee will be dropped. If the student has already paid for the book but finds and returns it in good condition (during the same school year), then the amount paid will be refunded.  

    Cash or personal checks are acceptable forms of payment for fines or to cover the replacement cost of damaged or lost books.  Please make personal checks out to Fulshear HS Library.

  • two rows of books
  • podcast equipment soundboard
  • three tier circular stand with books propped on each level
  • a chess table
  • three rows of books
  • a row of computers along a table